

Cupric is a platform that empowers both patients and doctors to make data-driven decisions that save time, save money, and most importantly, improve health outcomes.
Mobile App
What Image


is that we are trying to solve?

Traditional checkups and follow-up care options are becoming inefficient, leading to missed appointments and critical information gaps for healthcare providers. Also, aspects of proper monitoring round the clock becomes quite feasible.


are we solving it?

Why Img

Save time and money by avoiding unnecessary clinic visits, ensuring complete treatment with less risk of re-occurrence. Enjoy hassle-free doctor's visits without the need to remember every detail.

For Patients

For Doctors

Deliver exceptional care through informed decisions and efficient follow-ups, freeing more time for critical cases. Scale your practice effortlessly by monitoring more patients simultaneously.


are we going to solve it?

Our Patient Monitoring System leverages AI-powered chat and voice modalities to streamline the follow-up process, providing a convenient way for patients to stay connected with their doctors and ensuring healthcare providers have the necessary data to make informed decisions.
How img


are the minds behind it?

Our founding team consists of people from IIT Bombay and IIT Madras with experience with building AI applications and dedication to transform follow-up care. We are also joined by a bunch of cracked developers to help us bring our vision to reality.
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